Blockchain Technology and a Web 3 Future
I believe Blockchain technology and the web3 benefits of provenance, security and a ‘trustless’ ecosystem will revolutionise the way businesses and organisations operate.
The technology is evolving very fast but it is clear the centralised nature of Web2 organisations which make ‘us the product’ if their services are free to use are fraught with security risk to our data, our potential finances and above all the ‘value’ we should be able to own and manage for ourselves.
As part of my personal interest I have developed a knowledge base about the tokenisation of real world assets. NFTs as representations of how sporting moments could be tokenised and offered as collectibles in my Fantastec SWAP company was the starting point for my journey.
Since Fantastec SWAP I have developed a deeper knowledge of the latest blockchain technologies coming to the sector in 2024. I have also commenced discovery research into the tokenisation of property through my website Rwa-tokenize.com and a nearer term opportunity of the tokenisation of digital gift tokens through my concept Be Gifted at Begifted.xyz

RWA-Tokenize.com is an exploratory project to help educate people new to Blockchain and the rapid tokenisation of real world assets about the benefits which can be enjoyed once the infrastructure has been built.
Property, vintage cars, artwork, bonds - all manner of real world assets can be tokenised and made into liquid assets that can be freely traded and accessed by a broader customer base.
My work to date includes a basic web site, explanatory video and brand assets including a logo for the company.

As a continuation of my work in web3 and tokenisation, I recognised some problems in a distinctly web2 based sector which, while increasing its global annual revenues beyond $700bn in the next 3 years still have inherent user problems that could be overcome with a web3 solution approach.
The sector is ‘Gift Tokens’. Since early 2024 I have continued my discovery work in the sector including user problem surveys, value proposition analysis, brand identity development and MVP wire frames to prototype a webapp which can provide the millions of the committed gift token and ‘cash back’ enthusiasts across the world with a new solution. BeGifted will be engineered using de-fi, NFTs and decentralised network technology to solve the big problems of current gift cards by empowering people to redeem, cash in, swap, earn or list on a peer to peer market any retail gift tokens the hold in their digital wallets.