A.I Powered Swapping
Watch Swipe or Swap usability video
Situation Early 2021
18 months after SWAP’s launch we had over 500,000 users who owned over 2 million collectibles (Sports NFTs). We had a vibrant and hugely active base of core SWAP users. When new users joined swap they were given free NFT collectibles, so they could start swapping straight away.
However our analytics identified that 50-60% off newly onboarded users were failing to engage in swapping. We knew swapping built engagement, community and led to purchasing. There was some friction for new users looking for other users to swap with and understanding how to make a swap offer, or indeed if an offer was received if it was a good value deal for them.
Every SWAP NFT had a points value which related to its rarity. We knew a simple identification by a user of a potential swap by comparing NFTs swaps on a points value score would provide a basis of deciding if a swap was a good option. So we built a machine learning mechanism that was able to review the NFTs of every user in real time, look at what they owned and what they did not own, what club and collections they mostly collected for, or players they liked. The A.I would then match up users with potential swap opportunities.
In terms of User Interface we designed a simple Swipe or Swap action so new users could be presented with swaps early in their swap experience, make swap choices by swiping and immediately form new connections.
Within 6 weeks of introducing the feature in late summer 2021, we increased the number of swap interactions by over 200,000. Take a moment to watch the video to fully appreciate how the featured worked.

A.I Voice Over - ‘How To’ Series
Situation Summer 2023
We approached our second season in US College sports and the SWAP app had undergone a huge visual identity transformation and several significant new features such as SWAPables, a new NFT rarity categorisation and our own internal social media features like share / like / comment / follow.
We knew from our ongoing research that users better understanding how to use a platform like SWAP required better education of our features and their value among user and prospect audiences. In a scaled down digital marketing department and the need to manage costs yet continue to present SWAP as a high quality experience, we needed to be able to make a series of professional ‘How To’ video’s without compromising the professional quality of our consumer facing marcoms.
Towards the end of 2022 A.I tools like Chat GPT, Mid journey, Synesthesia and Tango presented Fantastec with an opportunity to not only ensure that A.I was a part of our company’s DNA but also our products. We’d already started an LLM project for user assistance through an in-app bot (called Swappy). We saw the potential of A.I assisted screen capture, Chat GPT script editing, and Eleven Labs Voice A.I. as a way to produce high quality educational videos. Our ‘How to’ series were not only cost efficient (no VO artist fees) but could be produced at speed where adjustments and retakes could be afforded within seconds and at a fraction of the cost.
Over 3 week period in summer 2023 seven out of 12 ‘How To’ video’s were produced using voice AI and scripts ‘modified’ by Chat GPT to keep within a 15-20 second time frame from an original script. The remaining ‘How To’ video’s were to become available as SWAP features were released in app in Autumn 2023. Check out some of our samples to see the quality of the work.